Producer | Director | DP


Photo by Sam Schmiedeskamp

Photo by Sam Schmiedeskamp


Nate A. Becker graduated from the University of Southern California in 2017 with a B.F.A. in Film & Television Production. He is an experienced producer, director, DP and editor specializing in branded content and digital series. He’s involved in all aspects of the creative process from development to production and post-production.

Nate is currently Head of Content and Partner at FS MEDIA, where he is an Executive Producer and works closely with brands like Netflix, Coca-Cola, Samsung and Waldorf Astoria to develop and create cutting edge, digital video content. His work has been nominated for a Daytime Emmy, Critics Choice Award and James Beard Award.

Nate has also been freelancing as a director, cinematographer, and editor for 13+ years and much of his work has been in branded content or music. He enjoys the challenges that come along with telling visually interesting and captivating stories for companies. He frequently works in the tech and fashion industries, but has also worked in real estate, hospitality and music. In addition, Nate has directed numerous music videos, documentaries and short films.